Flexible Schedule
Baltimore, MD 21218
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation's largest grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with serious mental illness and their families. Virtual Voices (VV) is an experiential workshop unique to NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore, and is one of the most popular outreach education programs offered. Patricia E. Deegan, PhD, a well-known disability-rights advocate, psychologist and researcher, developed the groundbreaking simulation. Workshop participants experience simulated auditory hallucinations via headphones while being assigned simple tasks. The goal of this workshop is for participants to challenge their perceptions, begin to understand the day-to-day challenges that people with mental illness face, and promote empathy in their interactions with individuals with mental illness. VV presentations are given to varied audiences including police, hospital staff, students, and mental health workers. Role Requirements: ▪ Attend a Virtual Voices session as an observer, as well as a 2-hour training ▪ Experience in teaching or public speaking is helpful for Lead Facilitators but not required; however, volunteers must be comfortable speaking in front of groups. ▪ Volunteer Commitment: Volunteers are encouraged to assist with VV workshops at least twice in the year following completion of training. Workshops are typically 2.5 hours and held on weekdays during business hours. ▪ Minimum Age: 18 years old. Volunteer Responsibilities: ▪ The Lead Facilitator is a volunteer who conducts the workshop with support from 3-4 assistant volunteers. ▪ Work cooperatively with a small group of volunteers under the direction of the Lead Facilitator to set up and facilitate the workshop. ▪ The Lead Facilitator is responsible for overseeing the workshop from beginning to end which includes assigning volunteer roles at sessions, leading the sequence of course components, and moderating discussion. ▪ The assistant volunteers are assigned tasks for role-playing such as Psychiatrist, Test Administrator, and Day Program Staff.
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Baltimore, MD 21218
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation's largest grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with serious mental illness and their families. Volunteers help to serve as Support Group Facilitators for NAMI's Family Support Group program. Support Group Facilitators provide support, education, and practical knowledge to other people living with mental illness and family members. Groups meet weekly under the guidance of two Volunteer Facilitators. Role Requirements: ▪ Personal experience having an adult family member with a mental illness ▪ Complete a 2-day training program provided by NAMI ▪ Current member of NAMI, or willingness to join ▪ Volunteers are kindly asked to make a 1-year commitment upon completion of training. Facilitators are scheduled on a rotating basis; minimum 3 hours per month Volunteer Responsibilities: ▪ Facilitators are not counselors or teachers; instead, they are primarily present to give the group structure by opening and closing each support group session, guiding the discussion, and shifting the discussion when necessary ▪ Maintain confidentiality of support group attendees ▪ Work cooperatively with a co-facilitator to conduct the group ▪ Report attendance to the Director of Signature Programs
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Baltimore, MD 21218
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation's largest grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with serious mental illness and their families. Volunteers help to serve as teachers for NAMI's Basics education course. This is a free, 6-week class for parents and caregivers of children and adolescents affected by mental illness. Two volunteer teachers, who provide information about the impact of mental illness on the family as well as treatment, support, coping, and navigating child-serving systems, teach the course. Role Requirements: ▪ Personal experience as a parent or caregiver of a child with a behavioral health condition under 17 years of age ▪ Complete a 2-day training program provided by NAMI ▪ Current member of NAMI, or willing to join ▪ Volunteers are encouraged to teach the course at least twice in the 2 years following completion of training. The course meets for 2.0 hours for six consecutive weeks. Volunteer Responsibilities: ▪ Maintain confidentiality of course participants ▪ Work cooperatively with a co-teacher to conduct the courses ▪ Coordinate classes with the Director of Signature Programs, including completion of all required paperwork ▪ Complete online refresher course every 2 years ▪ Assist with planning and outreach for the course
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Baltimore, MD 21218
Ending the Silence Presenters The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation's largest grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with serious mental illness and their families. NAMI Ending the Silence is a free presentation led by 2 presenters: one lead presenter shares an informative presentation about mental health and a young adult presenter shares their personal story of living with a mental health condition, followed by Q&A. The presentation can be adapted for three audiences: students, school staff, and families, and has been shown to is effective in improving middle and high school students’ knowledge and attitudes toward mental health conditions and toward seeking help, both immediately after the presentation and after 4-6 weeks. Presentations are typically held at the school, but can also be conducted virtually if need be. Volunteers are needed to help lead the presentations. Lead Presenter Volunteer Responsibilities and Requirements: Complete an online training and in-person/virtual half day training with the Program and Outreach Coordinator. Must be a family member or person with a mental health condition, and over 18 years of age Comfortable being out in the community and with public speaking, or have a willingness to learn General, working knowledge of mental illness and NAMI’s mission; Fact sheets and talking points will be provided Young Adult Presenter Responsibilities and Requirements Must be between 18-35 years of age Personal experience having a mental health condition and living well in recovery Comfortable with public speaking and sharing personal mental health journey in a school setting Complete an online training and in-person/virtual half-day training with the Program and Outreach Coordinator
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Baltimore, MD 21218
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation's largest grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with serious mental illness and their families. Volunteers help to serve as Support Group Facilitators for NAMI's Connection Peer Support Group program. Support Group Facilitators provide support, education, and practical knowledge to other people living with mental illness. Groups meet weekly under the guidance of two Volunteer Facilitators. Volunteer Responsibilities: ▪ Offer respect, understanding, encouragement, and hope to peers in the group coping with mental illness ▪ Facilitators are not counselors or teachers; rather, they are present primarily to give the group structure by opening and closing each support group session, guiding discussion, and shifting discussion when necessary ▪ Maintain confidentiality of support group attendees ▪ Work cooperatively with a co-facilitator to conduct the group ▪ Report attendance to Director of Signature Programs Volunteer Requirements: ▪ Personal experience having a mental illness and living well in recovery ▪ Complete a 2-day training program provided by NAMI. ▪ Current member of NAMI, or willingness to join ▪ Volunteers are kindly asked to make a 12-month commitment upon completion of training. Facilitators are scheduled on a rotating basis; minimum 3 hours per month
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2024