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Words Alive

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth


770 Park Blvd.San Diego, CA 92101 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of Words Alive is to open opportunities for life success by inspiring a commitment to reading.


What Do Our Volunteers Say About Words Alive?
"Of all the places I have volunteered over the years, I have never felt as valued as with Words! [Words Alive] is so inventive in coming up with opportunities for all ages to intersect with reading and the impact it can have on their lives. I'm always delighted with the many programs that have been created and am so happy to be part of Words Alive!" - Words Alive Read Aloud/Adolescent Book Group/Outreach Volunteer


Would you recommend Words Alive?
3 reviews Write a review
by Thint Myat T. (April 29, 2023)
Yes, due to a non-profit organization, I consume this is reliable and it is consistently fit for youths for who want ti do volunteering.
by Rose T. from San Diego, CA (April 30, 2014)
I have volunteered with the Adolescent Book Group program with Words Alive for almost a year, and one of the things that I love most about this organization is that they are true to their mission! Their staff, facilitators, and volunteers all communicate a love for reading that they want to share. There's no pressure to be a master wordsmith, have teaching experience or have the answer to every question - this is a group of people who really loves books and knows that the more students do too, the more they will read. They provide great training and structure for the sessions, and are flexible with schedules - I've never had anything but a stellar experience with them. I hope I can stay connected for years to come!

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