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Circle of Care, St. Louis

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


431 Chez PareeHazelwood, MO 63042 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide unparalleled public health care services while respecting the unique needs of our culturally diverse clientele through stewardship, honor-driven values, and a genuine desire to serve. We are committed to partnering with families, caregivers, and community entities that embrace the philosophy and mission to reduce social, economic, and health disparities.


Located in St. Louis, Circle of Care is a community-driven nonprofit organization staunchly committed to fortifying the independence of seniors and adults with disabilities. We stay true to this commitment by unveiling a rich portfolio of services, including in-home assistance, comprehensive case management, transition services for long-term care, and support for fundamental needs. Moreover, our evidence-based programs cater to mental and physical wellness, assuring holistic well-being. At Circle of Care, we firmly believe 'Home’ is where the heart thrives, and we make every effort to make it a reality.


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