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Transitional Resources

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Employment
  • Homeless & Housing
  • People with Disabilities


2970 SW Avalon WaySeattle, WA 98126 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Transitional Resources helps adults living with the most serious and persistent forms of mental illness by providing respectful and optimistic recovery-oriented services, affordable housing, and advocacy against discrimination which works to break the cycle of incarceration, hospitalization and homelessness.


Transitional Resources is a licensed mental health center and residential program located in West Seattle that serves all of King County. The agency was founded in l976 as a residential treatment facility for young adults diagnosed with mental illness. What began as a residential treatment program for fifteen has now grown to include six different programs serving over 200 individuals each year.

Our services are enhanced by a strong sense of community that not only provides natural support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but inspires hope in consumers who are in the early stages of recovery.

We highly value work, education, volunteer experiences, and involvement in other meaningful adult activities as important components of recovery. Our belief that consumers can and want to work and lead meaningful lives is demonstrated by the many vocational services we have offered since the agency's inception.


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