VolunteerMatch is Merging with Idealist!

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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy


P.O. Box 396HILLIARD, OH 43026 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

By capturing student imaginations and igniting career aspirations, Edheads empowers students to pursue fulfilling, productive careers in science, technology, engineering and math. We tie school to work by reinforcing basic skills and demonstrating how they are applied in STEM careers. On Edheads' site, students can be surgeons, manufacturing technicians, find simple machines, predict the weather, create a stem cell line and more!


Our Vision: Through corporate philanthropy, sponsorships, partnerships and donations, Edheads provides exciting games and experiences to millions of students that inspire today’s K-12 students to become the STEM leaders of tomorrow. We believe every student should have the opportunity to develop their potential and fulfill their dreams and career aspirations.

Our Values:

  • Relevance: Connecting science and math education standards to learning outcomes related to real-world careers.
  • Access: Giving educators a way to influence their students' future career paths with online learning that is widely accessible.
  • Quality games: Helping teachers, parents, and students meet state and national learning goals through highly interactive and engaging content.
  • Evidence: Evaluating the difference made in student STEM knowledge and attitudes toward STEM careers.

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