Flexible Schedule
Hartford, CT 06102
Hartford Hospital is in need of pet therapy teams to provide caring and uplifting interactions with patients, visitors and staff. Teams must have a pet therapy certification to apply. Volunteer Services staff will work with owners to determine the best placement for volunteer shifts based on interest, availability and comfort level of the team. Options for placement include visiting admitted patients, out-patient cancer centers (Hartford, Avon or Manchester), or the Institute of Living adult, adolescent or children's programs. Shifts are available 7 days a week and can start as early as 7:00 a.m. and end as late as 8:00 p.m. We hope you will consider sharing your time and your canine companion at Hartford Hospital!
Date Posted: Aug 21, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Hartford, CT 06102
Hartford Hospital Art for Healing volunteers provide patients an opprotunity to relax and focus on creative expression during their in-patient treatment. Volunteers bring a cart of supplies and work with patients at the bedside allowing for an interactive art experience. Requirements: Formal or informal art training, or an interest and ability to learn Friendly, people-oriented individual, having ability to interact with all types of people Must be able to communicate in English, bilingual skills a plus Excellent interpersonal, communication and listening skills Must be able to walk through hospital while wheeling supply cart throughout duration of shift Respect for Diversity Willingness to work cooperatively with others and without direct supervision
Date Posted: Aug 21, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Hartford, CT 06102
Volunteers are needed at Hartford Hospital to visit with geriatric patients. Our goal is to increase socializing and cognitive stimulation. The volunteers may read to the patient, play table games, crafts, and provide conversation. Volunteers are required to do one three-hour shift every week for at least 6 months.This is an excellent opportunity for individuals interested in careers in Therapeutic Recreation, Human Services, nursing or for career exploration in the healthcare field of geriatric medicine.
Date Posted: Aug 21, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Hartford, CT 06106
The Webb Schools are committed to integrating quality individualized education and comprehensive therapeutic services to students in grades K-12, by creating an environment that is safe, supportive, and respectful. The Webb Schools continue to be open to advances in the fields of education and mental health. We are proud to continue the tradition of innovation and quality as we develop programs to support students, their families and their school districts. The Grace Webb School is looking for alternative modalities to provide support to our students such as art and music. Our students appear to thrive in environments that allow them to be actively involved and engaged in an activity that fosters creativity and allows them to put down their defenses and to interact in a genuine and meaningful way. Activities that include art and music provide a natural distraction that allows our students to be more open and more willing to express their thoughts and feelings through a safer and less vulnerable pathway. We have seen significant progress made with our most challenging students through the use of these modalities and are hoping to find ways to provide such opportunities to all students. Volunteers can interact with elementary, middle or high school students.
Date Posted: Aug 21, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Hartford, CT 06102
The Hartford Hospital Mobility volunteer program provides support to patients that need assistance and encouragement to get out of bed and walk to help maintain functional status. Overseen by the department of Rehabilitation, volunteers are trained to function in this role on assigned nursing units interacting directly with patients and staff. More information can be learned in the video on this website: https://hartfordhospital.org/health-professionals/for-job-seekers/volunteer/volunteer-opportunities (scroll down to Mobility is Medicine). This is a great opportunity to develop inter-personal skills while supporting patient health and becoming familiar with the acute care environment. Applicants must: - Be able to volunteer at least one 3-hour shift per week in the morning or afternoon at least through August 2022 - Be available for a class training on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 4:30-7:30 p.m. - Be available to train with another experienced volunteer or staff member for two shifts prior to volunteering independently - Complete all hospital requirements online (background check, orientation, HIPAA education, COVID education module and waiver, medical history form including MMR, varicella, flu and COVD vaccines and Tuberculosis skin or blood test no more than 12 months old) no later than January 19th
Date Posted: Aug 21, 2024