Flexible Schedule
Rochester, NY 14618
Give older neighbors rides to appointments. Flexible volunteer opportunity - work on your schedule, in your community! The Give-A-Lift transportation program interviews, trains and places volunteers in volunteer driver programs throughout Monroe County. Help older adults and disabled individuals remain independent in their own homes by providing rides to the doctor and other vital appointments. Volunteers pick clients up at their homes and drive them to appointments. Enjoy socializing with homebound people who look forward to an outing. Pick up client at appointed time to return home. Flexible assignments. Training is provided at no cost. AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP volunteers serving in the Give-A-Lift Program receive free supplemental accident and liability insurance coverage while volunteering. Terms: Give-A-Lift Drivers must have a valid license and current automobile insurance. Car Required
Date Posted: Nov 26, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Rochester, NY 14618
Work with residents of Monroe and Genesee County on personal financial literacy! For some people, budgeting, bill paying and day-to-day financial matters become an impossible burden. This volunteer opportunity helps by working with neighbors who are struggling to manage their own finances. Work with creditors to resolve financial problems and create financial stability. Trained AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP volunteers work one-on-one with clients. Training is ongoing and volunteers meet monthly for updates. Training Provided. Benefits: Volunteers age 55 & older, who register through AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP, are covered by no-cost supplemental accident & liability insurance. Inclusion in volunteer recognition events Flexible assignment.
Date Posted: Nov 26, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Rochester, NY 14618
Want to volunteer but unsure about where to give your time? Become an AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteer! AmeriCorps Seniors is a placement/matching service for people age 55 or older who want to make a difference in their community. Located at Lifespan of Greater Rochester, we partner with other non-profits in Monroe County to help community needs. Once volunteers are matched, AmeriCorps Seniors continue to support them with partial mileage reimbursement and supplemental liability coverage. Here are a few of our current opportunities: - Help kids of all ages get connected with nature and animals by assisting at "A Horse's Friend" stables - Engage with young children during child-directed play sessions after school - Provide academic assistance to adult students learning 3rd-6th grade level material Questions or Concerns? Call 585-244-8400 ext. 128
Date Posted: Nov 26, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Rochester, NY 14618
Volunteers are the driving force of the home delivered meals program. It takes more than 2,200 LOCAL volunteers annually in a variety of roles to make the program a success. By giving just an hour or two of your time by offering a warm healthy meal and a smile, you can make a difference in the lives of those who need you. Opportunities available throughout Monroe County. Volunteers critically needed in the City of Rochester and throughout Monroe County . Work in your own area helping neighbors. We need to increase our driver pool - consider being a "sub" so that we can cover our "snowbirds' and our "summer travellers'" routes...! We can also use schedulers. Other opportunities include Route Captain (scheduler), Kitchen help (central location) & office help. RSVP volunteers who volunteer for the home delivered meals program are covered by supplemental accident and liability insurance, and may qualify for other benefits. RSVP volunteers must undergo orientation prior to placement.
Date Posted: Nov 26, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Rochester, NY 14618
OMBUDSMAN: A trained volunteer who is NYS certified as an independent advocate for residents of nursing and adult homes and their families. Ombudsmen can help with resident's care and rights, personal concerns, financial concerns, administrative policies in nursing and adult homes, resident/staff misunderstandings, suspected neglect, mistreatment or abuse. Complete training and support is given to all volunteers. Times: 8:30 am. to 4:00 pm. Location: Lifespan - 1900 S. Clinton Ave. Rochester, NY. Contact: (585) 244-8400 or psloan@lifespanrochester.org Assignments are available throughout Monroe, Livingston, Ontario, Genesee, Wyoming, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties.
Date Posted: Nov 26, 2024