Cause Area
- Animals
- Children & Youth
- Education & Literacy
- Health & Medicine
- Seniors
10251 Orange DrDavie, FL 33328 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
HAPPI Farm's mission is to promote positive development and life enrichment, providing experiential human-animal interactive bonding. Horse and Petting Pal Interaction, Inc. (HAPPI Farm) is a non-profit organization that seeks to better the lives of others through interaction with a wide variety of animals. We reach out to many groups of people including disadvantaged children, youths at risk, seniors and military veterans. Many research studies have shown this interaction to be emotionally and physically beneficial. Studies have also concluded it is an effective alternative education. HAPPI Farm operates strictly on the goodwill of the public.
Horse and Petting Pal Interaction is a Animal Activity Learning Center for children and adults with special needs and limitations and the general public.
Our programs include Care of Farm and Exotic Animals and Therapeutic Horseback Riding
OUR GOAL is to provide individuals, families and groups a chance to overcome difficulties and improve their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development by the assistance of animals.