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Mercy Neighborhood Ministries

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Education & Literacy
  • Employment
  • Women


1602 Madison Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45206 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Inspirited by the vision of the Sisters of Mercy, we promote the empowerment of individuals and families through programs that address their immediate needs, foster self-reliance, promote holistic health and advocate for social justice.

We accomplish our missionby providing adult education, home healthcare & senior services for disadvantaged individuals in Walnut Hills, East Walnut Hills & surrounding neighborhoods.



Sponsorship is a formal relationship between the Sisters of Mercy and an incorporated ministry for the sake of addressing our enduring concerns and witnessing to Christ's mission.


Mercy Neighborhood Ministries, Inc. is committed to behaviors reflecting its core values of:

Dignity: torespect all people and their right to self-determination.

Compassion: toact with love and kindness.

Justice: toconduct ourselves with honesty, integrity and fairness.

Empowerment: to help others recognize and act upon their own inner strengths.

Service: to respond to the physical, spiritual, mental and social needs of others.

Excellence: to pursue continuous improvement.

Hospitality: to offer welcome and warmth to all.

We accomplish this through our three departments:

· Home Care Services empowers women and elderly or disabled persons living in poverty through the provision of holistic services that promote independence and dignity. We provide employment and support for women seeking self-sufficiency, and quality home health care services and wellness promotion to persons who are underserved by existing programs, especially the elderly poor.

· The Senior Services Program enhances the quality of life of the elderly who lack the necessities of life as a result of poverty or temporary distress. We do this through programs that support their independence, advocate for fair and efficient treatment, decrease their anxiety and isolation, and raise public awareness of their needs.

· The Education Services provides the tools for individuals and families to move from dependency and poverty to self-sufficiency and wholeness of living. We accomplish this by connecting our clients to available community resources and offering adult educational and literacy programs, computer job training, payee and crisis assistance, and English as a second language.


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