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The Separated Child Foundation

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Immigrants & Refugees


84 Cromwell RoadLondon, London SW19 8NAUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Separated Child Foundation offers emotional, social and practical support to separated children and young people who are asylum seekers or refugees in Britain, up to the age of 21. We also engage in educational activities that support their experience in the UK and raise awareness of their needs and encourage positive responses to them.


For a small charity with low overheads we have a big impact on the lives of separated child refugees. In addition to the provision of arrival packs and sleep packs for newly arriving separated children, we also offer Club Class which is a weekly educational, social and cultural programme for up to 30 separated young people aged 14-18 that helps young refugees to improve their English and settle into the UK, and supports their wellbeing. We also give separated children a voice through projects that enable and empower them to tell their stories and to reflect on their experiences, needs and hopes.


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