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Cause Area

  • Health & Medicine


3550 SW BORLAND RDTUALATIN, OR 97062 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To provide hope and healing to vulnerable people in our community as an expression of Christ's love.


Founded in 2012 we are a faith-based free Primary Care Clinic. In 2017 we began offering a CDC-recognized Diabetes Prevention Program and classes for patients struggling to control their diabetes. In 2018 we opened our doors to anyone who does not have insurance or is underinsured seeking medical care. We are run almost entirely by volunteers and do not charge for any of our services. We are the only free medical clinic in our area seeing both adults and children. We are growing rapidly as we seek to provide services to an increasing patient population of Latino, homeless, immigrant and other underserved communities. We offer assistance to those seeking eligibility for Oregon Health Plan and wanting help in locating social services and free medications.


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