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Pacific Point Healthcare Services

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Health & Medicine
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


6170 Cornerstone EastSTE 200ASan Diego, CA 92121 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We believe that our services can only be as good as the staff that is providing them. Therefore, we are committed to supporting our staff while at the same time promoting exceptional healthcare services for the benefit of all our patients.


Pacific Point Health Care Services is committed to excellence in serving. We specialize in Home Health care, Palliative Care, Hospice, and Home Care throughout the San Diego County. Our operational philosophy is to provide service based on quality, respect, integrity, honesty, compassion, and dignity.

We are always looking for kind and compassionate individuals to become hospice volunteers. Volunteers receive comprehensive training to understand the circumstances of a hospice patient and are equipped with practical and emotional tools to feel confident in providing support and companionship to patients and their loved ones. Volunteers also assist our office team through administrative tasks and projects.

If you are looking for an opportunity where you can make a difference in a hospice patient's life, please reach out! Respond to our current opportunities on Volunteer Match, email us (volunteers@pacificpointhcs.org) or give us a call (760-603-8400)!


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