Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Children & Youth
  • Crisis Support
  • People with Disabilities
  • Veterans & Military Families


2720 Alpine RoadPortola Valley, CA 94028 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Inspired by the comforting power of animals, Jasper Ridge Farm provides a special experience for people in need.


We are dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties who are facing physical and emotional challenges. Our goal is to bring unique experiences to these people through therapeutic interaction with gentle farm animals.

Our programs are offered free of charge to children facing life-threatening illness, those living with special needs, and for children or adults facing challenging family situations such as homelessness, neglect, or domestic violence. We also focus on helping youth struggling with mental health issues and have programs for Veterans, senior citizens, and inmates.

Animals provide love and unconditional acceptance. Our group of support animals have endless love and kindness to give and we believe interacting with them provides comfort and stress relief for people in need.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have switched the majority of our programming to be virtual.


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