Camp Host - Rio Grande Village
ORGANIZATION: National Park Service
Please visit the new page to apply.
Rio Grande Village Campground is a fairly large campground with 100 campsites, but only 25 sites are open during the summer season. It is located near the banks of the Rio Grande River, the international border between the United States and Mexico. It has small sites for tents and large pull-through sites for RVs up to 40’ in length.
This campground is at an elevation of 1,850 ft. Being next to the river is the hottest place in Big Bend during the summer with temperatures reaching 115 degrees daily. The volunteer will mostly be performing their duties in the cooler morning and evening hours but should still be accustomed to dealing with heat. While a beautiful location and campground, the volunteer should be prepared for all types of weather.
The campground also acts as a launching point for various trips down the Rio Grande via access at the boat ramp in the group campground. It is close to the Boquillas Port of Entry allowing visitors, with a valid passport, to cross over into Mexico for the day. Additionally, there are numerous hiking trails and back country roads for exploration into Big Bend’s backcountry, along with Hot Springs for a nice soak when temperatures are cooler in the winter months.
This is a minimum 32-hours per week volunteer position. The incumbent must furnish his or her own trailer or RV under 40’ in length and live in Rio Grande Village. Electrical, water and sewer hookups are provided free of charge and propane is reimbursed. Public showers and laundry facilities are available in the Rio Grande Village Store during this time. Additional laundry facilities are provided in the Rio Grande Village employee housing area.
Full-time volunteers who will work outside must be identifiable to the public. Uniform consists of dark brown or tan pants/shorts and a khaki work shirt with VIP patch sewn on the left-hand sleeve. Volunteers may obtain volunteer work shirts and hats at the volunteer cache.
Start Date - 2024-08-01
End Date - 2024-10-31
Activities include: Campground/Site Host
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1 Panther JunctionBig Bend National Park, TX 79834
April 29, 2024