29 people are interested
Do you want to offer companionship to Hospice patients in Wesley Chapel?
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29 people are interested
Patient / Family Support in Wesley Chapel
Enhance the quality of life for patients and their families in their homes or in a facility, such as a nursing home or assisted living facility:
- Provide companionship with a caring presence, listening to life stories, offering emotional support and practical assistance.
- Provide relief to families by sitting with patients in their home so caregivers can take a short break.
- Provide support and presence at end of life.
- Provide spiritual support.
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About HPH Hospice
6807 Rowan Rd, New Port Richey, FL 34653, US
Mission Statement
HPH Hospice is where excellence in compassionate care maximizes quality of life
HPH Hospice, founded in 1982, is a not-for-profit organization offering medical, emotional, social and spiritual support services to patients and families living in Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. HPH Hospice cares for families and patients affected by life-limiting illness, grief or loss. We care for the majority of our patients in their own home, surrounded by the things and the people they love. We also provide care to patients in nursing homes and assisted living facilities and in our Hospice Care Centers.
We believe dying is a uniquely significant time in every person’s life. We also believe caring for the dying requires a different pace and set of skills than other kinds of health care, with primary emphasis on physical comfort and emotional support. We believe that every individual deserves to receive care without feeling demeaned or like a burden. That family and friends need caring support, tooCAUSE AREAS
2145 Cypress Ridge Boulevard Suite 202Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
January 27, 2025
- Elder care
- Animal Therapy
- Painting
- Crocheting
- Knitting
- Quilting
- Driver's License Needed
- Background Check
- Must be at least 18
- Orientation or Training
- Flexible. We will work with your schedule.