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Person to Person:Citizen Advocacy Association, Inc.

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • People with Disabilities


7000 East Genesee StreetD Building Lower LevelFayetteville, NY 13066 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of Person to Person: Citizen Advocacy (PPCA) is to promote the protection of, and advocacy for, people who are devalued, usually due to a mental or physical disability. PPCA programs bring the needs and interests of an individual who is at risk of social isolation to the attention of a citizen who, with support staff, will respond to those needs through a freely given advocacy relationship.


What We Do: The PPCA staff recruit’s community volunteer advocates for people of all ages who have a developmental disability and some form of unmet need. People with developmental disabilities live in every neighborhood. We are neighbors helping neighbors. Most importantly, the community volunteer advocate is the protégé’s friend who shows and shares the world around them. With support from the PPCA staff, matches between advocates and persons with developmental disabilities are created to often form long-lasting friendships that can make all the difference in the world to an individual.

How It Works: The PPCA staff make a match between a protégé (a person with a developmental disability) and an advocate (community volunteer) in which both share their gifts, talents, and friendship. The match is formed by mutual agreement between the advocate and protégé and exists as long as they both are satisfied. There are no minimum requirements or expectations on the duration of a match, on when and how often the advocate and protégé are together, or on what activities take place during their time together.


Would you recommend Person to Person:Citizen Advocacy Association, Inc.?
1 review Write a review
by Jessica S. (January 21, 2010)
I would recommend Person to Person: Citzen Advocacy to others because I believe disabled persons are often forgotten about. We as a community should let them know that they are important and reach out to help them in way that we possibly can. this organization help me to help others remember the "forgotten ones". Also, I enjoy trying to help others and more people should do the same.

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