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Center for Changing Lives

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Employment
  • Homeless & Housing


1955 N. St Louis Ave101CHICAGO, IL 60647 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Center for Changing Lives (CCL) mission is to partner with those held back by lack of resources and economic opportunity to uncover possibilities, overcome barriers, and realize their potential.


Too often resource and economic opportunities limit community members' choices and capacity to achieve their vision and goals. Center for Changing Lives work includes coaching on financial, employment, and resource mobilization goals that enhance lives, training, and skill enhancement opportunities, and advocacy and organizing on economic policy and practices that open up opportunities and resources.

CCL innovates to expand access to resources and opportunities and to find more effective solutions to individual, organizational, and community challenges. CCL connects people, resources, and opportunities so that households may uncover possibilities, overcome barriers, and realize their potential. The organization works in service of building a community where everyone thrives.

To that end, CCL brings a continuum of high-quality, financially focused services to community members currently experiencing homelessness or housing or financial hardship. CCL works in partnership with community members to increase income, access career pathways, improve credit, build assets, and develop the skills and capacities needed to achieve their vision for their life.


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2 reviews Write a review
by Rafael A. from IL (August 24, 2017)
I like the organization very much. It is a great place to volunteer.
by Gregory J. from Chicago, IL (February 7, 2013)
I now attend Northeastern Illinois University in the field of Social Work.therefore me and my colleagues would like to get some expossure of diferent organizations.

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