Quad Cities Missing Persons Network
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Crisis Support
- Disaster Relief
- Emergency & Safety
2754 12th StreetRock Island, IL 61201 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The Quad Cities Missing Persons Network is a community-wide network of volunteers brought together who can act quickly through the circulation of information using social media to rally support to search for the missing, communicate with law enforcement, media, and each other in a coordinated and focused manner to provide guidance and support to families and friends of people who are missing and may be in extreme danger of harm or injury. No stone will be unturned, no site unsearched, and no soul is left alone. We are people helping people find people..
The Quad Cities Missing Persons Network is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization. The network specialiazes particularly in missing persons cases, and search and rescue services.
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1 review
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(August 1, 2018)
QCMPN is a one of a kind opportunity. Dennis Harker leads this organization and he is fully committed to what he does. The full time volunteers are here to take care of the duties required to help all community members in their time of need when a member goes missing as well as the family that is in crisis during this time. Dennis Harker and many of the volunteers have personal experience with missing persons and this leads them to handle each case with compassion and care and a diligence and duty rarely seen. This cause has been a true privilege for me to work with.