Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Environment
- Women
1011 Beaumont AvenueBaltimore, MD 21212 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Mentoring young ladies ages 10 to 15 to empower, transform and edify their lives emotionally, spiritually and physically through etiquette training.
This ministry, through an etiquette/life skills training program discusses social skills, image management, money management, dinning decorum and includes bible study. The girls and boys who are gaining informative ways to cope with friends, family and the growing challenges of life while having lots of fun. Additionally, the girls learn how to conduct themselves at all times regardless of the situation. They also learn how to let others know they matter. Bible study is conducted at each meeting to help the girls understand God and the meaning of faith.
Wings wants to change America by changing the way a person thinks, so they can inspire change in their family, which inspire change in the community and then America.