VolunteerMatch is Merging with Idealist!

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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Veterans & Military Families
  • Women


P.O. Box 5890Austin, TX 78763 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We lift individuals of high potential out of poverty through mentoring, educational opportunities, financial assistance, and access to our community partnerships.


The Foundation was founded in 2008 by Carol Kallendorf-Speer, Ph.D. and Jack Speer. Both are not strangers to disrupting the cycles of poverty and designed a wrap-around model with three major components (mentoring, financial capability, and academic excellence). Upon completing their academic goals, Dream Achievers seeks careers in IT, Healthcare, Law, and Education to put them on the path to economic prosperity in Austin's workforce economy. Dream Come True offers the bridge to new possibilities for individuals who are on the edge of success and need a once in a lifetime partner to get to the other side.

Our program has awarded $145,252 in scholarships to reach 64 individuals and families. The 2018-2019 fiscal year will award $65,120 an estimated total. Program graduates continue to pursue higher education degrees in law, nursing, IT, education, and timely certifications. Our volunteer mentors have amassed a total of 1,850 hours dedicated to helping families manage self-care, work, families, social, and career goals. Teddy Roosevelt said, "Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is a chance to work hard at work worth doing." Our donors stand with us as we continue to make the investment in dreams to move families from poverty to prosperity in four areas: finances, academics, employment, and social health.


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