Wildlife for All

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Environment
  • Justice & Legal
  • Politics
  • Sports & Recreation


PO Drawer BBMesilla, NM 88046 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

At Wildlife for All, we're dedicated to making state wildlife management more democratic, just, compassionate, and focused on protecting wild species and ecosystems. Join us in our mission to reform wildlife management and protect our precious ecosystems. Together, we can make a difference!


Our History:

Since 2019, Wildlife for All has been the only U.S. organization focused on nationally advocating for systemic change in state wildlife management.

Wildlife for All began as the Southwest Environmental Center (SWEC), a member-supported, grassroots conservation organization founded in 1991 by Kevin Bixby in Las Cruces, New Mexico. As SWEC worked tirelessly on local and regional conservation efforts, Kevin recognized a critical and pervasive issue: the crises facing wildlife nationwide were deeply rooted in flawed wildlife management systems. Existing systems often fail to be just, ecologically sound, and inclusive of diverse public interests. In response to this pressing need, Wildlife for All was born.

What We Do:

We lead and coordinate state and national efforts, working with coalition partners to drive reforms that ensure wildlife management is democratic, just, and scientifically informed. Our programs focus on legislative advocacy, restructuring wildlife commissions, refocusing agency priorities, securing broad-based conservation funding, and enhancing transparency.


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