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Habitat for Humanity New York City and Westchester County

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


111 John StreetSuite 770New York, NY 10038 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Habitat for Humanity New York City and Westchester County transforms lives and our city by uniting all New Yorkers around the cause of decent, affordable housing for everyone. Values Habitat for Humanity NYC and Westchester believes in: The importance of faith Diversity and inclusiveness, a respectful partnership between those who give and those who receive with mutual obligations, the volunteer spirit, home ownership, excellence in home construction, the volunteer experience, and the City of New York and Westchester. We express our love for our city through building homes and stating loudly and clearly that all New Yorkers should have a decent, affordable home.


Habitat for Humanity New York City and Westchester County creates, preserves, and advocates for healthy, affordable homes and the generational equity-building opportunities that homeownership provides. With the support of thousands of volunteers each year, we’re building a more equitable New York-to address centuries of unjust, racist housing laws and financing mechanisms that prevented communities of color from entering the homeownership market and shaped the geography of the wealth, health, and education inequality we see today.


Would you recommend Habitat for Humanity New York City and Westchester County?
4 reviews Write a review
by Ashley Z. from Brooklyn, NY (January 6, 2016)
I have not volunteered with Habitat for Humanity NEW YORK CITY but i have volunteered with Habitat for Humanity on Long Island in High school. Before I was 16, I would help deliver lunches to the working people, because we weren't allowed on the site> My Junior and Senior year I was able to finally work on the builds. IT was a really incredible opportunity. I am currently in college right now and my friends and I are looking for volunteer opportunities in the city because we are interested in bringing more volunteer work to our school which is lacking (Pratt Institute) This would be an amazing organization to introduce to our peers interested in service.
by Albert Brian P. (December 26, 2014)
Interested in volunteering as a photographer for your organization. I have experience taking photographs for a relief effort during the days that followed after hurricane Sandy. I have volunteered my time as a New York auxiliary police officer and served within the command of Midtown south. I am very interested in being able to expand my portfolio to include work such like yours. I believe I am a perfect candidate for your position. Thank you for your time and I do hope to hear from you soon.
by Frank H. from New York, NY (Administrator for this Organization) (October 29, 2013)
I volunteered at their 9/11 Day of Service and the staff was great. They taught me to build and also spoke with our group about affordable housing issues in NYC.

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