Special Equestrians, Inc.
Cause Area
- Animals
- Children & Youth
- Computers & Technology
- People with Disabilities
1215 WOODWARD DRINDIAN SPGS, AL 35124 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide high quality therapeutic horseback riding and equine assisted activities/therapies to persons with physical, mental, developmental, and emotional disabilities.
SPECIAL EQUESTRIANS, INC.If you like horses, the outdoors, and helping people, we have the perfect opportunity for you. Please join the force of over 200 volunteers that assist Special Equestrians, Inc. Special Equestrians, Inc. is a therapeutic horseback riding program for people with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities. All levels of experience are available (no horse experience necessary); just attend one of our Volunteer Training sessions February 5 th or February 7 th. Training sessions will take place on the campus of Indian Springs School. Call us for more details at (205) 987-WHOA or you can visit our website www.specialequest.org. Space is limited you must call to reserve a spot.