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Cause Area

  • Community


PO Box 251Lexington, MA 02420 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Nonprofit Net’s mission is to strengthen small and medium nonprofit organizations in the Greater Boston area by presenting free expert-led management seminars and networking opportunities.


Since 2003, we have presented over 130 free seminars that our constituency could not otherwise afford. Our guest speakers are recognized experts and experienced presenters who volunteer their time and expertise. Seminar attendees consistently demonstrate a high degree of engagement and energy, leading to their overwhelmingly positive feedback on satisfaction surveys.

This is an exciting time for Nonprofit Net, as we prepare to increase our impact by expanding our membership, Board, service area, and revenue. For further information please see our website at www.nonprofitnet.org.

Kindly direct all inquiries to lexnonprofitnet@gmail.com.


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