Franklin-Wright Settlements
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Crisis Support
- Education & Literacy
- Sports & Recreation
3360 CharlevoixDetroit, MI 48207 United States

Organization Information
Mission Statement
Franklin-Wright Settlements, Inc., is a leading Detroit neighborhood human services organization, existing to assist individuals, families, groups and the community with basic life, family and social needs. Embracing the settlement house philosophy, a multi-service holistic approach in cooperation with the community, FWS focuses on the prevention, treatment and amelioration of social problems through advocacy, programs, projects, activities, services and facilities.The enduring strength of FWS lies in flexible, responsible programs that recognize ongoing basic needs, despite changing societal priorities and funding.
Franklin-Wright Settlements is a non-profit organization services all ages from pre-natal to gerontology. FWS has a multi-disciplinary staff that is passionate and adamant about the population they service.
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