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Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Community


PO BOX 45065BOISE, ID 83711 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to reduce the number of homeless boxers


An all-volunteer group of boxer lovers working together to help reduce the number of homeless boxers. Providing shelters an outlet for boxers in their care, giving options to owners no longer able to care for their boxer, and education on the boxer breed, we hope for the day of no boxer being homeless.

Boxer Lovers is registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Idaho and Utah. With a network of volunteers, transporters, and supporters, we are able to help boxers in need throughout the Northwest.

All boxers are placed in foster homes and will have all medical and behavioral needs met prior to adoption. Boxer Lovers is committed to finding responsible forever homes where the boxer will thrive as a loyal and loving family member


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1 review Write a review
by AMY Y. (May 6, 2024)
As a foster family for over 5 years and 26 total fosters, the president, put my own dogs at risk with heartworm. After finding out our foster was HW+ two weeks from another foster, there was no apology and no offer to pay for the vet bill. After that, communication pretty much stopped. She never once checked on our foster during his horrendous treatment. After 2 potential adopters reached out to me about him, we found out that the adoption coordinator and Debbie Sinclair stopped communication with them. When I called her out for it, she sent her two minions to pick up our foster. She didn't have the guts to do it herself. Now, for the inside information, Debbie pulls too many dogs without the guarantee of a foster placement. I've seen 20+ dogs from one transport without a place to go. She keeps the pups in transport kennels for too many hours. Usually, they're covered in feces and urine. She's been investigated too many times and needs to be stopped.

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