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M.O.E.R. (Making Our Environment Right)

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy
  • Homeless & Housing
  • International


139 Charles StreetSuite A-171Boston, MA 02114 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Of primary importance to the M.O.E.R. (Making Our Envirnoment Right) Inc., is ensuring that we, as a global community, can learn to live with, by and for each other. The mission of the MOER Foundation, Inc. is to identify and create economic opportunities, education and social support to individuals and families for the enrichment of the global community. The principal motivation of the M.O.E.R. (Making Our Envirnoment Right) Inc., is to ensure that our global community's safety and security are a result of respect, cooperation, and an enhanced acceptance that we are one Family.


The M.O.E.R. (Making Our Envirnoment Right)'s focus is to address critical issues that affect the well being of all communities. Further, we acknowledge and accept the fact that violent crime amongst young people has become a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY. Our objective is to address this pandemic in a constructive and life enhancing way. We will seek alternative approaches to enable young people to make positive life choices through self perception. This self awareness is as defined in the context generational awareness and re-evaluation of self as an extension of community growth. The self defined aware young person will be shown that success is achieved through a cooperative community effort and failure is found in selfish actions. The M.O.E.R. (Making Our Envirnoment Right) wishes to contribute to the resolution of this national delimea as a facilitator of constructive change through the re-construction of the change agent- the young people.


Would you recommend M.O.E.R. (Making Our Environment Right)?
9 reviews Write a review
by Eric J. from Rheinland-Pfalz, DE (November 30, 2010)
I've had the continued pleasure of volunteering for the MOER Foundation and greatly admire their programs goals and aims. I have seen how their charitable programs have helped an international community and I would recommend anyone to join the organization in order to help improve our collective environment. Their faculty are highly professional and capable people and it's always a pleasure to interface with them on their continuing efforts to help the community.
by Roxanne D. from CA (September 4, 2009)
Greetings, Upon reviewing the MOER Foundation website, as strongly recommended by Ms. Naomi Tammi Palmer in the United Kingdom, I must attest I am very impressed with Dr Ali Muhammad's initiatives! The Kommunity is a child's root/lifeline - if we as members of that kommunity do not konsciously and positively aim to teach and guide the youth via rolemodelling healthy behaviours, how can we expect a positive environment?? Alongside nutrition and exercise programming is KNOWLEDGE OF SELF initiatives: if the youth do not know who they are, what their ancestors have accomplished BEFORE 1555 (4000 years' worth of Glorious Story), along with revolutionaries in America and the Islands during the 400+ year slave holocaust, how can they Rise Above the oppressiveness the system designs for them?? The youth MUST be armed with Supreme Knowledge, Wisdom and Over/InnerStanding of MyStory. "To know where you are headed, you must know where you have come from". HOTEP...ALAAFIA...SHALOM!!! :)
by Nicki M. from GB (May 10, 2009)
I was recruited to this organization by Naomi Palmer. I am totally in support of all The Moer Foundation stands for & strives to achieve. I was appointed secretary of the British chapter, a real honour :) I have seen the events that Naomi has headed with the British Branch of TMF and the effect it has had on the families within the local community. I have nothing but praise for the work being carried out now, and all the future intended projects. It is lovely to see the positivity bought to young lives that have previously felt they have nothing to look forward to or strive towards. This organization will surely break the chain of poverty breeding poverty. Instead, it helps motivate young people into setting themselves goals & believing in a better future, not only for themselves, but future generations. It's also fantastic that this is happening on a global scale, power in numbers!! No race/colour/creed/financial/status barriers, just many good hearted people with the same objective!
by Naomi P. from England, GB (June 7, 2009)
I have seen what the Moer Foundation had done in the USA and the positive effects that they have had on the local and global communities, of how their programmes has bought hope and positive chance,to these individuals and their families, when they were at their lowest,thought they was invisible and no-one cared. I have experienced this first hand as a volunteer in the United Kingdom chapter of this organization, we have adopted the exact principles and missions which is proving very successful, just go's to show we as the global community when working with for and by each other to enrich our future generations give hope for a better world, Family disadvantage is passed on from one generation to the next, closing the opportunity gap in education is an important part of combating long term causes of disadvantage. This the Moer Foundation does eloquently, creating change, hope and unity has to be recognized and commended to the highest degree, Well done Moer Foundation,
by Myrio A. from Tuscaloosa, AL (November 28, 2008)
I will recommend the moer foundation simply because they have great programs geared toward helping any one who needs it regardless of race, class or location we are all one family so we must act as such. Thats what the moer foundation is about so I honor and appreciate them plus they have a 501c3 and good standing with the better buisness bureau. Peace
by Katia P. from Boston, MA (January 16, 2009)
I had the pleasure of volunteering with the MOER Foundation over the past two years. Unlike other non profits that I have volunteered with, the staff of the MOER Foundation is truly & sincerely dedicated to their mission. The MOER Foundation not only has its Better Business Bureau Charitable Accreditation they are also listed with other reputable organizations like Guidestar. I look forward to volunteering with the MOER Foundation well into the future.
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by Zaria D. from Charlotte, NC (August 30, 2008)
I have had the opportunity to work with the MOER Foundation in the Charlotte, NC area. This organization provides a wonderful service to individuals and communities throughout the country. I am proud to have been able to volunteer time with the MOER Foundation and look forward to additional service opportunities with the organization.
by Monica M. from Greenville, NC (August 30, 2008)
The MOER Foundation is committed to its communities' development with passion, vision and enthusiasm. The MOER Foundation has built a network of assistance, social and health programs that identifies and creates social support for the communities. Including education, and economic opportunities to individuals and families for the enrichment of the global community. The organization's goals has summed up in the simple statement: “making our environment right while making good communities better.”, a way of meeting many other social and economic needs. As a Community Development Volunteer of The MOER Foundation, I have the opportunity to know families in the communities, reflect on my experiences and feel happiness while participating in this social reality. A rewarding challenge to share my knowledge and abilities because I have alot to give.
by Dr. Ali A.B.Y M. from Boston, MA (Administrator for this Organization) (September 10, 2009)
Childhood Obesity Prevention Program, Wonderful
Previously Flagged and Approved

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