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Community Living Campaign

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Computers & Technology
  • Hunger
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors


1663 Mission Street, Suite 525San Francisco, CA 94103 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Community Living Campaign builds connections to help seniors and people with disabilities age and thrive in their own homes and communities.


We work with San Francisco seniors and people with disabilities to increase the connections, resources, and support needed to age and thrive in their own homes and neighborhoods.

We organize free activities and programs like computer classes, healthy aging workshops, senior exercise groups, and grocery delivery. These activities offer practical support and teach valuable skills. But most importantly, they create opportunities for folks to make the friendships they need to age well at home.

Studies show that only 20% of what people need to age at home comes from formal services. The other 80% comes from friends, faith groups, and other community connections.

Meeting the needs of an aging population is a huge undertaking. So we also build coalitions, bringing together neighbors, community organizations, businesses, and City agencies to organize and advocate around issues that are too big for any of us to solve alone. Most recently, these have included the SF Tech Council and the Dignity Fund Coalition.


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