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Ozarks Literacy Council

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


397 E. Central StSpringfield, MO 65802 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Mission: Ozarks Literacy Council seeks to raise awareness and promote literacy through free services to adults and children in Southwest Missouri.

We believe in Opening minds; Lifting lives; and Creating a more literate community.


Ozarks Literacy Council, founded November 1968, is based upon the idea of one-on-one tutoring to help adults read and write, improve math skills, and prepare for the High School Equivelency. Basic Literacy remains the cornerstone of our organization. We also tutor children.

In the last few years, OLC has expanded services to include children. Last year OLC served over 7,000 children.

Children's Programs Include:

Pre-Literacy Program serves Special Needs & Title One Preschools classrooms whose students receive the benefits of volunteers who read books and present activities in the classes.

Books Come Alive where readers make book topics come to life for children.

Reading Advocacy is where reading is learned by reading (OLC readers read at the Boys & Girls Club Summer Program, Head Starts and community fairs). OLC has also provided curriculum to Springfield Little Theatre's Literature to Life project for the past five years.

These are a sampling of what we do at Ozarks Literacy Council. All our services to learners are free of charge.

Ozarks Literacy Council is a United Way Agency.


Would you recommend Ozarks Literacy Council?
1 review Write a review
by Ewin W. from Springfield, MO (January 20, 2011)
Reading is one of the most important, necessary abilities that we do for ourselves and it is missing in so many peoples lives. With a little help and encouragement from a kind, helpful, friend understanding the help needed, most people would achieve the pleasures of reading. I would like to be one of those to help!

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