Flexible Schedule
Alma, MI 48801
In an overburdened social welfare system, abused and neglected children will often slip through the cracks. A Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) represents the best interest of abused, neglected and deprived children in court proceedings within our community. A CASA serves as the eyes and ears of the court by providing information that the judge needs in order to make a decision that is in the child’s best interest. CASAs are appointed to a child's case and are responsible for taking time to find about the child. CASA volunteers search for information, review records, observe visits, talk to agency workers, write reports, and appear in court for the hearings. CASA's advocate for the best interests of the children. We have seen a rise in child abuse and neglect. We believe that now more than ever, children who have experienced abuse and/or neglect deserve someone to support them and be their voice throughout the court process. If you have a heart for children and believe all children deserve to a safe home, a permanent home as quickly as possible, this is the opportunity for you.
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Alma, MI 48801
About the Baby Pantry The Baby Pantry is a service of Child Advocacy’s Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Prevention Programming. It was founded in 1999 by the American Red Cross, and became part of Child Advocacy in July 2017. In November 2020, Child Advocacy moved out of the Wilcox Non-Profit Center and into its new building. The Baby Pantry not only provides basic needs like diapers, food, and clothing for infants and toddlers, it also provides education on infant safe sleep, shaken baby syndrome, car seat safety, positive discipline, and more. All Gratiot County residents with children 0-5 are welcome to visit the Baby Pantry; there are absolutely no income requirements. The Baby Pantry is open every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., with the exception of direct holidays, when Alma Public Schools close due to weather, and during public health emergencies that require mandatory shutdown. Wednesday volunteer shifts begin by 10:45 a.m. and end by 3:15 p.m. There are opportunities and flexible hours for other days of the week as well. Child Advocacy will work with you to determine the best options to fit your schedule. * The Baby Pantry is currently operating via curbside pick-up. Clients place their orders ahead of time, pull up through our carport, and volunteers bring their order to them. Child Advocacy has health and safety measures in place to protect our staff, volunteers, and clients. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about current safety precautions. Some of the responsibilities described below have temporarily stopped or shifted to follow health and safety measures.* We strive to create a welcoming, nurturing, and organized atmosphere for our clients. Volunteers have many responsibilities in helping us make the Baby Pantry stand out among others. Opportunities include: Assisting and interacting with clients: Checking clients in, providing paperwork, going over paperwork, walking new clients through their first visit, directing clients to items, entertaining toddlers, holding babies, guiding clients to Lending Library, making referrals for other services, providing supplies, bagging up items, helping with check-out, delivering items to the parking lot. Prepping: Repacking diapers and wipes, making New Baby Bags, swap out clothing for the seasons, getting things ready for special events (guest speakers, extra items, holiday specials, etc.). Office: Answering Baby Pantry phone, check voicemail, daily data collection, making copies of forms, replenishing educational packets (make copies and fill folders), entering client information into computer, accepting incoming donations, completing donation receipts. Organization: Labeling bins and folders, sorting items in appropriate bins, sort food and formula by expiration date, filing away items, ensure things are in place. Cleaning: Sweeping and mopping floors, vacuuming rugs, dusting shelves, sanitizing surfaces, wiping down newly donated items. Laundry: Washing and drying donated clothing (machines on site), folding and hanging clothing, putting clothing away.
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2025