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Prisoner Visitation and Support

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Justice & Legal
  • Veterans & Military Families


1501 CHERRY STPO Box 58068PHILADELPHIA, PA 19102 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Prisoner Visitation and Support (PVS) is the only organization authorized by the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Department of Defense to visit any prisoner in the Federal and Military prison systems. The primary focus is on seeing those prisoners with an acute need for human contact -- those prisoners without regular visits, those serving long sentences who are far from home, those in solitary confinement and on death row, and those who are frequently transferred from prison to prison. PVS visitors let the prisoners set the agenda for what they discuss. Common concerns are: lack of contact with family, untreated medical problems, work or educational plans upon release, current events, literature, etc.


Prisoner Visitation and Support (PVS) is a volunteer visitation program to Federal and Military prisoners throughout the United States.

Our priority is to visit those prisoners who:

  • do not ordinarily receive visits from family and friends,
  • want or need visits,
  • are in solitary confinement,
  • on death row,
  • are serving long sentences.

Our purpose is to provide prisoners with regular, face-to-face, contact from the world outside of prison to help them cope with prison life and prepare for a successful re-entry into society.


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2 reviews Write a review
by Mohamed K. from EG (September 12, 2023)
لانها مسالة انسانية لخدمة المجتمع
by Alexa T. (September 14, 2016)
Growing up, I've always wanted to be some sort of therapist in a prison. I love helping people and guiding them to a happier life. I feel as though this would be a great start towards my future. I believe the process of this job could be both life-changing and inspiring!

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