Mother Jones

Cause Area

  • Computers & Technology
  • Media & Broadcasting
  • Politics


222 SUTTER ST STE 600SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

For nearly forty years, the mission of the Foundation for National Progress has been to produce revelatory journalism that in its power and reach seeks to inform and inspire a more just and democratic world.


Mother Jones is a nonprofit news outlet that delivers bold and original award-winning reporting on the urgent issues of our day, from politics and climate change to education and the food we eat. We investigate stories that are in the public and the nation's interest. From revelatory scoops to deep-dive investigations, Mother Jones journalism is penetrating storytelling that informs and inspires an engaged readership of 8 million monthly readers.

Mother Jones delivers 24/7 reporting online and produces a bimonthly print magazine. We are headquartered in San Francisco and have bureaus in Washington, DC, and New York City. Mother Jones also spearheads Climate Desk--a journalistic collaboration (partners include The Atlantic, Center for Investigative Reporting, the Guardian, Grist, Huffington Post, Mother Jones, Slate, and Wired) dedicated to exploring the human, environmental, economic, and political impact of a changing climate.

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