OCJ Kids
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Education & Literacy
- Sports & Recreation
524 W. Westcott DrivePhoenix, AZ 85027 United States

Organization Information
Mission Statement
Youth are amazing! They hope, dream, challenge, learn, and lay the groundwork for their futures ad ours. the education, experience and family values instilled in a teen will follow them for the rest of their lives. Every day, youth in society are exposed to unhealthy and unstable futures.
OCJ's mission is to equip at risk and troubled teens by providing them tools, resources, and positive role models to succeed and excel in every area of life.
OCJ connects individuals, businesses, and organizations with kids in foster kids in group homes to meet the kids needs in being successful in everything they do.
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2 reviews
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I have never done community service before but I can already tell that this is the right place to do it

Well your program helps people and that is why we r here to help people and love on them like Jesus would.