Junior Achievement of Central Upstate New York
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
200 West Ridge RoadRochester, NY 14615 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Junior Achievement (JA) empowers young people to own their economic success. Our volunteer-delivered, K-12 programs foster work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, and use experiential learning to inspire kids to dream big and reach their potential.
Since 1968, Junior Achievement of Central Upstate New York, Inc. has helped local students learn about real life, real business and the real rewards of education. JA of Central Upstate New York currently serves a 25-county area.
JA's programs are predesigned, classroom or after-school based K-12 curriculums and are delivered by community volunteers to local students (our future employees) in 5 to 8 visits per program. Elementary students learn the basic concepts of business and economy. Middle grade students connect "learning with earning" through practical problem-solving activities and high school students are provided programs designed to help them be prepared for college and the world of work.
The goal of the volunteer dimension of Junior Achievement's programs has remained constant since our inception. That is to bring economic and business theory to life through the simplest of human interactions-sharing.
To do so we need your help. Our ability to reach more children is to a large part, predicted on our ability to secure more volunteers to go into the classroom and deliver JA programs.
Join the hundreds of local community members who assist Junior Achievement of Central Upstate New York, Inc. help our children. Our classroom volunteers not only serve as excellent role models for students, they also provide the energy and personal observations and experiences that make learning fun!