Operation Sack Lunch

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


PO BOX 1231, Clinton WA 9823677 S Washington StSeattle, WA 98104 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To provide dignity, care and compassion through action with the example that each person can make a difference.

To educate and advocate acceptance and understanding
of each other's differences.

To ultimately bring about the realization that we are all a vital part of this world and with extended effort put an end to
homelessness, hunger and hatred.


OPERATION: Sack Lunch is a unique provider. The people we serve are unable to access food in more conventional ways. We are the last line of defense for those in the homeless community living directly on the streets. For many we are the last place they can find a decent meal, for the rest we are the only way to ward off starvation. We are the in-house provider for the Compass Center providing breakfast and a midday meal as well as providing sack lunches for, Hammond House Women's Overnight Shelter, First Church Men's Emergency Shelter, PSKS (peace on the streets by kids from the streets ) an advocacy program for homeless teenagers and young adults, and the Seattle Municlpal Community Court Program. Over the years we have provided meals for First Place School for homeless children, Tent City, Gethsemane Crisis Center, Labor Ready of Seattle, and Angeline's(a day shelter for women).


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1 review Write a review
by Kevin A. (2013-08-02 12:03:05.0)
Well organized and meaningful. Good interactions with staff and clients. Our students always ask to return to this great organization.

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