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Rebuilding Together Sacramento

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Homeless & Housing
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors


P.O. Box 255584Sacramento, CA 95825 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives. We at Rebuilding Together Sacramento believe in safe homes and communities for everyone.


Rebuilding Together is the nation's largest volunteer home repair organization in the country. Rebuilding Together has two programs that serve low income homeowners.

Rebuild Days use volunteers to rehab homes in the Sacramento area which include repairs such as painting, carpentry, fencing, plumbing, electrical and yard clean up.

Safe at Home is a fall prevention program where volunteers install safety devices such as grab bars, hand rails, night lights, smoke detectors and wheel chair ramps.

Both program are free of charge to homeowners who own their own home and meet our eligibliltiy guidelines.


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