The Neighborhood Developers

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Homeless & Housing


4 Gerrish AveChelsea, MA 02150 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to invest in the process of building healthy neighborhoods by promoting affordable housing, desirable public spaces and resident prosperity and leadership.


Our Vision is to work towards a future in which Chelsea, Revere, and Everett are cities of opportunity - comprised of healthy neighborhoods where people feel welcome and connected to their community. Places where residents of all income levels can grow and prosper.

Supporting People: Our Connect team provides education opportunities including debt management and homebuying basics. We also offer financial coaching to encourage responsible money management and to increase household wealth.

Engaging Community: Through our community building activities, we create strong connections among neighbors, foster a positive neighborhood identity and build social capital linking residents and community institutions to foster a vibrant sense of community life.

Building Housing: TND and our partners develop quality affordable apartments and homes for mixed- income households through the purchase of existing substandard properties and former industrial sites.

Advocate for Housing Justice: TND seeks to engage residents in initiatives, advocacy, and legislation surrounding affordable housing. We believe that resident leaders have the power to keep their cities affordable through education and actions.


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