El Centro de la Raza
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Education & Literacy
- Homeless & Housing
- Race & Ethnicity
- Seniors
2524 16th Ave SSeattle, WA 98144 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
As an organization grounded in the Latino community, our mission is to build unity across all racial and economic sectors, to organize, empower, and defend our most vulnerable and marginalized populations and to bring justice, dignity, equality, and freedom to all the peoples of the world.
Our vision is a world free of oppression based on poverty, racism, sexism, sexual orientation, and discrimination of any kind, that limits equal access to the resources that ensure a healthy and productive life for all peoples and future generations, in peace, love, and harmony.
Bilingual, culturally appropriate, wraparound services that are designed to enable our participants to succeed in their efforts to become self-reliant.
Human and Emergency Services:
Food Bank
"La Cocina Popular" Latino Hot Meal
Congregate & Home Delivered Meals
Senior Nutrition and Wellness
Bebes! Infant Mortality Prevention Program
Comadres Womens Group
Homeless Assistance
Eviction Prevention
Emergency Shelter Vouchers
Rental Subsidies
Transitional Homes
Provide Tenant/landlord laws information
El Patio low-income Apartments
Advocacy & enrollment for Food Stamps.
Education & Skill Building:
Homeownership Education & Counseling
Financial Literacy Workshops
Home Loan Modification Case Management
ESL Classes
Free Legal Clinics (in partnership with SGB Law and LBAW)
Free Tax Preparation (in partnership with UWKC)
Child and Youth Programs:
Jose Marti Child Development Center
Luis Alfonso Velasquez After School Program
Hope for Youth Civil Rights History, Hip Hop & Poetry Classes
Seattle Youth Violence Prevention
College Readiness Program
Parent Involvement in Education
Community Building and Development:
Low-Income and Transitional Housing
Immigration and Civil Rights Advocacy
Juvenile Justice Advocacy
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
Social Justice and Cultural Events
Community Meeting Space
Commercial and Tenant Space
Spanish Classes
Tamale Classes
Christmas Tree Sales