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Phoenix Children's Project

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


Mailing only:3219 E. Camelback RoadPhoenix, AZ 85018 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

PHOENIX CHILDREN'S PROJECT is dedicated to improving the lives of children living in poverty in Phoenix, Arizona. Our goal is to help needy children become healthy, self-reliant adults. First we help feed and cloth them, then we teach them how to help themselves so they can "break the chain" and create better lives for themselves as adults. Which in turn, helps our community


We have a lot of hands-on opportunities. We have a Christmas program, Back 2 School Project, Easter Baskets, Birthday Club, monthly Food box deliveries to the children and their families, we take the kids to the movies and out to pizza, ... We help kids and their families with emergency needs that come up. we ask volunteers to provide handyman services to these single mothers. There are many ways to get involved.


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