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Freedom Palliative Hospice Care - Texarkana

Cause Area

  • Faith-Based
  • Health & Medicine
  • Seniors
  • Women


4925 Elizabeth StreetTexarkana, TX 75503 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Freedom Hospice "Large enough to serve, small enough to care."

Hospice is a philosophy of care. The hospice philosophy accepts death as the final stage of life. Our agency provides supportive, compassionate palliative care given at the end of life.

Our goal is that our patients live their last days with dignity and quality of life by managing pain and symptoms while surrounded by their loved ones. Freedom Hospice offers warm hearts, open minds and generous spirits.


Freedom Hospice offers hospice service in the Dallas/ Fort Worth, Cleburne, Texarkana, San Antonio and other extended areas around those locations.

Hospice care is managed through a medically directed interdisciplinary team approach. Our team provides the patient and family with the best possible compassionate care. The interdisciplinary team develops a patient specific plan of care for each individual.

The hospice team consists of physicians, nurses, social workers, nursing assistants, chaplains, bereavement coordinators, volunteer coordinators and trained hospice volunteers.


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