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Organic Soup Kitchen

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Hunger
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families
  • Women


315 MEIGS RDSte A369SANTA BARBARA, CA 93109 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the Organic Soup Kitchen is to ensure that no one, regardless of financial status, shall compromise the quality of the food they eat or feed their family. Food communicates the love and support that unifies people around a common need. When combined with coordinated social services, our food is the catalyst for physical and emotional rehabilitation. Self-healing begins with a serving of nutrition and compassion.


OSK is the only provider of organic, nutrient-dense hot meals prepared in safe and secure licensed kitchens and distributed to underserved low-income populations via grassroots organizations and social service programs in Santa Barbara. We cook nutritional meals without using canned products by using healthy, organic, plant-based, research-backed ingredients. OSK food is strategically designed to help our clients think better, feel better and heal. We combine our meals with service providers who facilitate healthcare, mental wellness, freedom from addictions and safe housing. We offer a holistic approach to nutrition, physical and behavioral health that leads to sustained self-sufficiency.

Currently, OSK delivers organic lunches and dinners targeted to low-income seniors, veterans, women, homeless individual and families four to six days per week at one or more of the following locations in Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Housing Authority SHIFCO, Peoples' Self-Help Housing Villa Santa Fe, PTSD Yoga Therapy and Mental Wellness Center, Transition House on Cota Street, the Veterans Breakfast at Veterans Hall, Common Ground Parks Outreach to the homeless, El Carrillo Apartments and Doctors Without Walls Women's Clinic at Transition House.


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