
Cause Area

  • Animals
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Rt 1 Box 50KDrexel, MO 64742 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

WarmFuzzy's is a non-profit 501(c)(3) all volunteer organization dedicated to the care and control of the feral cat population as well as animal rescue. We have adopted the TNR method (Trap, Neuter, Release) of feral cat control. This is the only proven and humane method of feral cat control.

Every cat is trapped, taken to one of our participating veterinarians to be tested for feline leukemia, spayed/neutered, and vaccinated for rabies and distemper.

All the feral colonies we work with are fed and maintained on a daily basis.

WarmFuzzy's objectives and goals are:

* Rescue and provide lifetime care for abandoned or abused dogs and cats, other animals as deemed appropriate by the board of WarmFuzzy's;

* Maintain a fund for a spay/neuter assistance program;

* Maintain an active re-homing program for adoptable animals;

* Maintain a spay/neuter policy for all of WarmFuzzy's animals, unless deemed a health risk by a veterinarian;

* Maintain an educational outreach program which may include, but not be limited to, newsletters, radio, television, and school programs;

* Emphasize the kinship of all life and rights of all animal species;

* Encourage foster care for animals in need;

* Humanely euthanize animals in cases of failed health, extreme pain, or when other health factors make it impossible for an animal to enjoy a reasonable quality of life; WarmFuzzys shall never euthanize animals to control the population of the sanctuary.


Rescue isn't glamorous. It's about comforting a scared cat whose owners abandoned him at the shelter after living together for 10 years, it's about holding a young animal's head as they take their last breath when it has been determined that their previous owners abused them so badly that they can't be saved.

Rescue is about restoring hope and dignity to creatures for whom no one else cares about. We are but humble vessels to help these magnificent creatures find their forever homes. The responsibility is big but the returns on our emotional investment are greater. You cannot place a value on the look of contentment that comes when an animal is clean, exercised, warm, fed and safe for the first time in its life.

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