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AIN Access and Information Network

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Health & Medicine
  • Hunger
  • LGBTQ+


2600 N. Stemmons Freeway, Suite 151Dallas, TX 75207 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

AIN is a multicultural non-profit organization that works to prevent the spread of HIV and provides direct care services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable populations.


Clients and Communities

We serve 2,000 men, women, children and youth who have HIV/AIDS.

Majority are very low income; half are hosing insecure or marginally housed; all need funded programs

We reach over 5,000 men, women, children and youth who are at-risk.

Over 85% are ethnic or racial minorities; specific outreach and education initiatives to Hispanic and African American communities; targeted programs; collaboration within communities


Transportation--van rides or bus passes for clients to reach and maintain medical care, treatment, and support programs and services

Nutrition--prepared meals of breakfast and lunch served on site daily for clients needing nutrition assistance; other foods, supplies, and weekend program

Daire Center--center based services for clients needing stabilization, respite care, or support in an adult day center facility

Linguistics--Spanish language interpretation and translation for Spanish-speaking clients, caregivers, and other service providers

HIV Prevention--prevention education and risk reduction sessions; prevention with positive individuals; interventions; HIV testing and collaboration with testing providers

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