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Pacific Island Knowledge 2 Action Resources

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Arts & Culture
  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Health & Medicine


824 S 400 WSuite B113Salt Lake City, UT 84101 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Creating Alliances, Bridging Communities, Eliminating Trauma from Violence, Improving Economic Impact, Preserving & Promoting ALL Pacific Island Cultures that empower and support Family values, promotes Self-Reliance, Good Health, Charity and Community Involvement using culturally relevant messages, tools, & resources


We are a non profit servicing the Pacific Island community and all underserved community members, using our culture traditions and practices to eliminate violence, improve economic impact, preserve and promote ALL Pacific Island Cultures.

Our Pacific Island Male violence prevention advocacy group, KAVA (Kommitment Against Violence Altogether) Talks educates and creates awareness of Violence Prevention & Healing Resources available. The Mens Monthly Meetup is the 2nd Thursday of each month.

We offer a weekly Pacific Island Womens Empowerment Group in Salt Lake City and in St George, Utah once a month. A Womens Empowerment Group for all Women once a month in Salt Lake City.

We work with Pacific Island entrepreneurs, start ups, and business providing resources at the monthly meetup, 1st Thursday of each month, of the SLC Pacific Island Business Alliance. Our goal is to have a Pacific Island Business Hub as a business incubator to ensure success and currently have Mentors available to walk through with each participant.

To preserve and promote ALL Pacific Island Cultures, the Utah Pacific Island Film Series provides a FREE Pacific Island film each month at a different location. Govenor Herbert declares August as Utah Pacific Island Heritage Month. PIK2AR Kicks off the month at the end of July with 5 events creating platforms for Paciifc Island Business, Pacific Island Community Organizations, Mainstream Service Providers to engage, educate and collobrate.


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