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Habitat for Humanity of Sch'dy Co.

Cause Area

  • Homeless & Housing


115 N. BroadwaySchenectady, NY 12305 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To help eliminate substandard housing for qualified inner-city, lower middle income families who wish to attain simple, decent single family housing through partnering with the Habitat for Humanity model. Habitat for Humanity is an international, ecumenical Christian organization serving inner city residents of Schenectady County without regard to race, ethnicity or religious affiliation.


Our organization seeks volunteers who desire to serve their neighbors in a mission field located right in their own backyard. There are leadership opportunities for people in all walks of life to serve either by swinging a hammer, volunteering in our Restore, preparing lunches for volunteers, working on a committee for fund raising, special events, church relations or clerical.


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