VolunteerMatch is Merging with Idealist!

Learn more about this strategic partnership of nonprofit technology leaders
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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Computers & Technology
  • Education & Literacy
  • Employment
  • Environment


1410 Franklin St. #300San Francisco, CA 94109 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Promote digital inclusion by repurposing computing devices for the next generation.


We aim to change the corporate culture of waste and indifference to one the cares about our future. We take broken, used computers from companies and refurbish them to donate to students throughout the bay area, free of charge. We also provide free coding and technology literacy courses to children.

Please visit RRRcomputer.org for detailed info on our goals. Please feel free to contact us at 1-844-900-RRRC or donate@RRRcomputer.org. Please spread the word with your social media. With your help, we all can help bridge the digital divide one kid at a time.

We are looking for volunteer leaders from the IT, Education, and Environmental professions to help make our organization a success. We are also looking for students from high schools, colleges and universities who want to make a difference in a kid's life by offering expertise in computer technology, education, and saving the environment. It takes a village to raise a kid; it also takes a community to help a kid in need catch up with the digital age.


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3 reviews Write a review
by Emmeline W. from Walnut Creek, CA (January 6, 2022)
I did HR here for 1 month & quit. If you like being insulted and disrespected for doing free work, RRR might be for you! Main issues-- no transparency on funds, poor communication, & unrealistic time commitment (15+ hr/wk). Most who stayed 3+ months are already burnt out & say this is like a 2nd full-time job. The director messages/calls/emails you during work hours/evenings (even 10pm) with little to no direction on tasks given. You're expected to be like an employee & belittled when you're here unpaid & on your own free time. There is a LOT of focus on getting money, but the actual laptop distribution is maybe less than 50 laptops per year, though we have LOTS of inventory. Many “nicer” laptops (like Macbooks) are actually sold online to pay the director's salary, and students receive the older computers instead. The laptop donation drives are only carried out to qualify for grants. Turnover is extremely high. Half of the board quit early 2021 due to finance transparency issues.
Previously Flagged and Approved
by Arthur C. (March 4, 2019)
Great cause for a world that is becoming more tech reliant. It is a great way to give under privileged kids, a head start and stir up interest in computer science. It all starts with a refurbished laptop.

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