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Alaska WildBird Rehabilitation Center

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Education & Literacy
  • Environment


PO BOX 521317BIG LAKE, AK 99652 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To care for injured, orphaned and sick wild birds with the goal of returning them to the wild; and to educate the public about these birds and their habitats.


The Alaska WildBird Rehabilitation Center, located in Big Lake/Houston, takes in injured wild birds from across Alaska with the goal to heal them and release back into the wild. We have a basic medical clinic on site, and work in conjunction with a licensed veterinarian for more complicated needs.

In addition, we have an active education program where wild birds with injuries that prevent their release are acclimated to working with us in education presentations to schools, tourist groups and public functions.

We operate under permits from both the State of Alaska Department of Fish & Game and the US Fish & Wildlife Service. We receive no federal or state funding, and are operated and managed by all volunteers. We rely on the goodwill of local businesses, charitable groups and the public for all our funding.

Volunteers who work with the birds must be 18 years or older. Our center volunteers generally work one shift of 4-6 hours a week, we do not usually have work for short time periods or for younger volunteers. If interested in assisting with fundraising, events or advertising, we will be happy to direct you to the appropriate persons in our organization. In addition we have seasonal construction and maintenance projects.


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