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Points of Light & Hands On Network

Cause Area

  • Community


1875 K Street NWWashington, DC 20009 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Points of Light & Hands On Network is a national nonprofit whose core mission is to inspire, equip and mobilize people to take action that changes the world. We transform people and communities through civic entrepreneurship.

Through our national network, we inspire, equip and mobilize people to take action that changes the world.


A Convergence of Now
Our collective network- now the largest in the nation - connects 370 civic hubs managing millions of volunteers and 50,000 volunteer driven community impact projects annually around the country. We are unleashing the power of people to solve problems and build communities. We are generating ideas, telling the story and creating new tools for change-making.

Our Vision
Our vision is that through our work we will help put people at the center of social change and that one day every person will discover their power to make a difference, creating healthy communities in vibrant democracies around the world.

Why Now?
Once in a generation, a seismic shift occurs that fundamentally transforms our civic landscape. In the world of volunteerism and civic action, that moment is now. Cultural shifts are opening new avenues to address the challenges of volunteerism. Across America, technology-driven social networking and mobile technology are redefining the nature of interaction, shaping a new culture of communication. There is a resurgence of interest in the inner workings of government, schools, community and social change. There is a new energy around the idea of individual and collective exchange to create value and meaning that results in safe, connected and healthy communities. People are starting to ask how they can be involved and what they can do.

What We Do
We ensure that there are volunteer and community participation opportunities for people through the country and increasingly, around the world. We engage individuals, corporations, nonprofits and government institutions to incubate, develop and mobilize collaborative citizen leadership, thus creating innovative, actionable solutions that can be replicated across the world. We empower individuals to create real-time community solutions which drive systemic change.

This is our moment.


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