Hapi Foundation

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


1014 S. Westlake Blvd.Suite 14-101Westlake Village, CA 91361 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Established in 2013, the Hapi Foundation exists to bring sustainable health and wellness programs directly to the doorsteps of residents residing in apartment communities in an effort to help address the growing rates of obesity, diabetes and chronic diseases in our nation.


A long history of ecological systems theories emphasize the importance of looking beyond individual biology and behavior to impact health. More recently, investigators have argued that this is a vital approach to address challenges of obesity. In a May 2012 report, Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention, the Institute of Medicine evaluated obesity prevention strategies and concluded that individual efforts and societal changes are needed if we are to stem the obesity epidemic.

The Hapi Foundation was formally established in 2013 following a five-year partnership with UnitedHealth Group, CARE at the Yale School of Public Health, Strategic Realty Capital and Community Housing for Exceptional People. Hapi and its partners understand that there is a unique and immediate opportunity to positively impact the health and well-being of thousands of residents living in apartment communities across the United States. Hapi aims to create "sustainable health communities." The organization's work focuses around education and programs that aim to combat chronic diseases (i.e. obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) that are strongly associated with behaviors that are interlinked and reinforced day-to-day by the environment through urban design, social norms, and lack of accessibility to health-protective resources.

Hapi's ultimate goal is to develop standardized models for delivering replicable and sustainable nutrition education and fitness programs within apartment communities across the nation. The anticipated impact is to provide apartment communities across the U.S. (approx. 55 million Americans) with access to nutrition and exercise initiatives that will reduce the risk and pervasiveness of obesity and other life-style related disease.


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