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Companion Hospice

Cause Area

  • Health & Medicine
  • Seniors


1314 E. OklahomaGuthrie, OK 73044 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement



Sit with patients and get to know them. Let caregivers have time for errands. Read to patients or play games. Help in the office with special projects/crafts, or administrative duties.

Volunteers offer companionship to patients and respite for family caregivers. Volunteers can sit with homebound patients while a caregiver runs errrands or goes for a doctor visit.They can talk to caregivers and help them know that they are doing a great service for thier loved one. They offer support to the patient and the family. Other volunteers can visit nursing home patients to brighten their day by visiting or reading or playing a game with them. There is an opportunity for some volunteers to help counsel people thru their grief and bereavement period. We do require training for volunteers.It is 12 hours.


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